Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April Instagram

 I took a lot more photos this month compared to March! Here are my phone pictures from April:
 Row 1: Caught looking for snacks, big boy in a little car seat, handsome babe in chair, first time on the swings!
Row 2: Ute fan, matching brothers, beautiful blossoms in our yard, alone with my maple bar
Row 3: Setting up birthday, birthday boy with presents, birthday waffles, Dinosaur park
Row 4: Birthday dinner at McDonalds, the big 3-0, mowing the lawn on his birthday, the Bradshaws

plus more!
 Row 1: birthday dinner, finding his eggs, big boy in a high chair, surprise party for Benji
Row 2: handsome baby on Easter morning, finding their Easter baskets, dyeing eggs, awesome sale
Row 3: Superman!, Divergent with Ashley, cool baby, caught in the pantry (again)
Row 4: Temple Square, beautiful Norah, by the fountain, squishy nose grin

Plus: some box fun

 Playing at Castle Park

4 Months to 4 Years

 Easter breakfast at Grannie Annies
 Let the coloring begin!

 Blowing kisses! Farewell April!

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