Friday, April 25, 2014

Max at 7 Months

 Lucky number 7 for this little man.

 Words cannot describe how much JOY he brings into my life. He is a very happy, content baby who has become very busy and curious. No more laying still for pictures. He wants to MOVE. Whenever he gets the chance.

So this photo shoot is all over the place because I wanted to experiment with different light and backgrounds. Plus, like I said, this kiddo wants to move all the time. These first few shots I hung up a white sheet and tried to get Max to sit still.

Anyway, isn't he dreamy?

Max has mastered the scoot and pull technique when it comes to crawling. He can also sit himself up from his tummy. He is very stable when it comes to sitting and its fun when he sees someone and starts crawling towards them. 

 He LOVES toys and pretty much anything he can get his hands on. This has lead to tasting grass, dirt, wrappers, leaves, magazines . . . ANYTHING. He has 4 teeth now and more on the way and all he wants to do is chomp! Note the drool!

He is so squirmy when it comes to changing his diaper. Singing songs helps, but his mission in life is to roll over and dive off the dresser. Luckily that hasn't happened. I've resorted to changing his diaper/clothes on the floor more often than not.

 He is getting better and better at grasping onto things like puffs and baby crackers. He usually gets most of them on his lap, but sure loves them when they get in his mouth. He is eating mostly 2nd stage baby food and has tried a few other solid foods like eggs, pancakes and bread.

Note the look of determination on his face when I opened the door for a different lighting technique. It surprises me how fast he is!

He is on a good routine with 2 naps a day and 2 solid food feedings. He'll sleep from 8pm to 6-7am. What a good boy knowing that mommy needs sleep in order to function!

There's something about this next photo that I love.

Other things Max loves:
-being outside
-swinging on the swings
-laughing at brother and sister
-being rocked to sleep
-reading books (and usually chewing on them)
-going for walks

He also has a cute squishy-faced grin. He does this when he's excited about something.

 Every day I hope for time to slow down, so I can savor each moment. Although busy and tiring (when is it not truly), I love this stage of motherhood.

Happy 7 months Maxwell Dean!

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