Thursday, January 21, 2010

Its Happened

I remember months ago at my baby shower I was given advice by every attendee. Someone in the group told me to not feel bad when my baby rolls off the bed or falls off the couch. Secretly I was thinking, "Oh, I'm going to be so careful. That'll NEVER happen."
I ate my words this morning when I left Logan on the couch for one second while I was putting my cereal bowl away. I come back in the living room just as my baby flips off the couch and twists his neck when landing on the floor. He cries immediately and I start freaking out, thinking about his little neck. I go through the vital signs: he's breathing, he's moving, he's alert. Ok, not paralyzed. I massage his neck and hold him close. He only cries for a minute then wants a book to read. Soon he's his happy self.
I am definately trying not to feel bad but gosh, I HATE it when my baby cries and its my fault. It's the worst feeling ever. I know that especially since Logan is mobile, he'll be getting a few bumps and bruises.
I think I'll hold him a little closer today.
And not leave him alone on the couch for a long time.


Skylette said...

Ugh, that IS the worst feeling. Don't beat yourself up too much over it though, it happens more than people admit. I dropped Parker when he was about 6 months old - DROPPED him. He was on the floor with a blanket and I bent down to pick him up and he seriously slipped right out. I felt horrible for DAYS and DAYS. Thank heavens children are so resiliant! They have to survive us. ;)

Natalie Carver said...

LOL I think that was me when Callie rolled off the couch at 2 weeks old! I felt like the WORSE mom ever! You are fine and kids are resilent! And yes, Logan is going to get hurt a lot now that he can move! Let the adventure begin

John and Rachael Alexander said...

Ya, don't feel bad! Happy Late Birthday! I love your posts, you are too cute

Craig and Cynthia said...

I remember when that happened with Kade when I was living in the beach house, except he launched himself off of my bed onto that hard floor. I felt so bad, but he was fine after a few moments of cuddling. Don't feel bad it happens to everyone I swear.

Aimee Hardy said...

Ha! I think that was MY piece of advice. Aren't you glad I shared even though I sounded crazy at the time? And my next tidbit, don't feel too bad when he falls down the stairs. It's just inevitable, no matter how careful you are. Somehow they bounce.

Logan is as adorable as ever.