Baby girl is 9 months old! Well, 2 weeks ago she turned 9 months old. I'm a little behind.
Norah weighs 20.1 lbs (75%) and is 29 inches long (92%). She wears 12 month clothes and the pediatrician said she's too long for her infant carseat.
It seems like this month she has grown by leaps and bounds. She is a super fast crawler and can pull herself up to standing. She can crawl all the way up the stairs. She is even starting to cruise around furniture.
She loves trying all kinds of food and is still trying to get used to the sippy cup. She loves to maul her stuffed animals, wave hi and bye-bye, make funny growls, and put everything in her mouth.
Her 2 top teeth are almost through, and probably 2 or 3 more to follow shortly after. It has made for a few restless nights. I miss my good sleeper.
She contines to be a major momma's girl. She'll be fine with others until she spots me. I do love the bond she share though. She's my little sidekick.
Time has flown a lot faster with Norah than it did with Logan at this age. Its been fun to see their similarities and differences. Mostly differences, like how Norah is very dramatic and Logan is (usually) very laid back. I love having one of each.
We sure love this baby girl - drool and all!
Happy 9 months!