Wow, it is just me or has summer flown by? I think I have this little guy to thank for making this the most pleasant summer ever. We spent more days on walks, at parks, swimming, eating popcicles, and exploring than I can ever remember EVER. We didn't go on any huge trips or spend tons of money on entertainment, but that is more than ok with me (and Daddy's wallet). Thanks Logan for letting Mommy feel like a kid again. I know it'll only get better from here.
This morning we walked around our "yard" by our apartment. I watched Logan walk around and around, touching and exploring everything. I love how curious he is (well, as long as its safe). We walked along barefoot in the grass. I was trying to take pictures but he wouldn't hold still for more than two seconds. He made me laugh out loud when I made him lay down in the grass and he would GIGGLE feeling the grass on his head. I loved it when he'd show me every stick or leaf he picked up. Its funny how much more aware you are of things when you have a child. We enjoyed the sunshine, fresh air, and the wonderful shade from our big walnut trees.

Thanks summer for being so enjoyable!