Sunday, April 26, 2009

Can I Keep Him?

Logan had his newborn check-up when he was 6 days old. He is doing so fantastic! The pediatrician and nurses instantly fell in love with him. He really is the sweetest baby . . . and easy too! He likes to sleep in 3 1/2 to 4 hour increments at night so Mommy only has to get up twice. Here are the stats from his check-up:
Weight: 9 lb 2 oz - 90%
(he was 8 lb 8 oz when we left the hospital and gained 10 oz in 4 days! He's now surpassed his birth weight by 2 oz)
Length: 22 inches - 90%
Head Circumference: 14 inches - 50%
Needless to say we have one happy, healthy baby. We couldn't be more blessed.
Tummy time with Daddy. He is really strong already. Benj is the best dad. This morning Logan blew out his diaper and Benj washed, changed, and dressed him so I could sleep in. Thank you honey, you're the best.

With Mommy right before his first check-up. We go in this Thursday for his 2-week appointment so we'll keep ya posted. :)


Kiley said...

That first picture is so adorable! I'm glad he's so healthy - and so easy! You guys definitely deserve it - and what a lucky kid to have such wonderful parents!

Stoddards said...

what cute parents you are! logan is so stinkin' cute! i can't wait to see him! hopefully sooner then later!

Natalie Carver said...

So cute! I am so glad that we got to see you guys on friday! He really is the sweetes baby boy! We love him so much!

Haylie said...

So cute pictures! Isn't it the best feeling in the world being a mom and holding that little one in your arms. I love it! He is such a chutie and getting so big already!

m@R(! said...

he is a cutie and seems to be really healthy. what a little blessing he is.